-- Your SQL goes here -- TODO: add constraints for editor (foreign key), find a way to get dynamic size array with this constraint. -- This constraint is shown by "relations_editeurs". -- Maybe same for "issns", if we need it. CREATE TABLE title ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, mirabelid INTEGER NOT NULL, revueid INTEGER NOT NULL, obsoletepar INTEGER, titre VARCHAR NOT NULL, prefixe VARCHAR, datedebut VARCHAR, datefin VARCHAR, url VARCHAR, periodicite VARCHAR, editeurs TEXT[] NOT NULL, langues TEXT[] NOT NULL, liens TEXT[] NOT NULL, url_revue_mirabel VARCHAR -- "issns": [ -- { -- "bnfark": "cb344022072", -- "issn": "0982-2321", -- "issnl": "0982-2321", -- "statut": "valide", -- "sudocnoholding": false, -- "sudocppn": "104192186", -- "support": "papier", -- "worldcatocn": 474295645 -- } -- ], -- "relations_editeurs": [ -- { -- "editeur": "Groupe de réflexion inter et transdisciplinaire", -- "editeur_id": 1345, -- "precedent": false -- } -- ] )